E-MAIL =>   

Some personal info...
Some "controversial" stuff...
Life in my neighborhood...
The stuff i like to watch...
The stuff i like to listen to...
The stuff i like to jump to...

NEW! -- The Mia Page -- all about our new daughter!




The quick guide to the presence of j.p. (john phillips) paulus on the World Wide Web

A lot has changed over the years...my personal stuff hasn't been as well kept-up with as others.  i apologize for that...check out the message boards for my current activity on the web. i also have developed some other sites... 

http://koreanhistory.tv  => for Korean historical drama fans

http://1chicago.net  => for uniting Chicago's Christian community, starting with the youth ministries

Uptown (Chicago) Related Pages



Culture & History  Politics Why Am i Here? Uptown Links Uptown Portal Guestbook

And some older web pages....

Korean Historical Drama Web Page

I've helped (along with others) network the most non-Korean fans of Korean Historical Dramas

Andy Young Fan Page

Find out about a dynamic new artist on the Folk Scene field. (And he WAS my roommate, too!)

Asian Youth Services

More information on an organization helping disadvantaged children in Uptown, Chicago.

An Unearthly View of the Earth

A sample of original computer artwork by j.p., from a long time ago (JPG format)

Uptown links  

Links about the various aspects of Uptown

 My Web-formatted resume, for the curious and my wonderful new employer.
It also comes in plain text format.

An even quicker guide to all the pages created by j.p.:

Message Boards That j.p. frequents 

Newsgroups That j.p. (used to) Frequent

<i>Yes, they'll know we are Christians by the

fishes on our cars.</i>

-- quoted by Cathy Nieng

Links That j.p. Recommends



Rich Mullins : Rich was a Christian musicmaker who has been a great influence (and reflection) in my life. On 19 September 1997, Rich died in a car accident on his way to Witchita, Kansas. i have a tribute & several links dedicated to him. i'd especially recommend reading an article in the Witchita Eagle for background on his life and death. i'd especially recommend an article in the Witchita Eagle

Squint Entertainment is Steve Taylor's new multimedia company. (he's directing a movie as well as producing ablbums). The web page, Squinterland, is thee most bizarre web page ever made, and requires a fast modem or direct connection (i.e. like at a university).

. Dragonsbane:The New Dark Age: i've helped writer Harry Bauer design the web page for his comic book. Check it out.  



This home page was created by j.p. paulus

Since i initiated this counter on 11 December 1995, you are visitor

(for more info on the counter, check out this home page )

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This page was last revised on 21 November 2004

E-mail me =>

JP Paulus / jp [at] paulus.com

or more conventionally,

JP Paulus

c/o Uptown Baptist Church 

1011 W. Wilson Avenue
Chicago IL 60640


Please let me know of any problems you have with these links. Thanks!



Well, that's it.

Tune in same bat time, same bat station, next week, for more improvements.

    Radial Diagram